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2022-11-15 20:43| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Solution 1 :

The problem is your definition in your custom class does not match the JSON format.

Beside objet_one mentioned in the comment,

you are using neo instead of near_earth_objects as the variable name.

class NasaResponse( val element_count: Int, val neo: near_earth_objects, // Wrong name, change neo -> near_earth_objects val links: links)

To do it better, I recommend to follow the recommended Java/Kotlin style to name the variables.

Then use the annotations provided by GSON to define the name expected to be seen in the JSON.


class NasaResponse( @SerializedName("element_count") val elementCount: Int, @SerializedName("near_earth_objects") val nearEarthObjects: NearEarthObjects, val links: links) Problem :

In my application I am using GSON with a JSON from the NASA API.

My intention is to convert that JSON into a class.

Once that is done, I retrieve the data fine… but not all of it.

Here is an abbreviated example of the JSON:

{ "links": { "next": "http://api.nasa.gov/neo/rest/v1/feed?start_date=2015-09-08&end_date=2015-09-09&detailed=false&api_key=DEMO_KEY", "previous": "http://api.nasa.gov/neo/rest/v1/feed?start_date=2015-09-06&end_date=2015-09-07&detailed=false&api_key=DEMO_KEY", "self": "http://api.nasa.gov/neo/rest/v1/feed?start_date=2015-09-07&end_date=2015-09-08&detailed=false&api_key=DEMO_KEY" }, "element_count": 25, "near_earth_objects": { "objet_one": [ { "links": { "self": "http://api.nasa.gov/neo/rest/v1/neo/2465633?api_key=DEMO_KEY" }, "id": "2465633", "neo_reference_id": "2465633", "name": "465633 (2009 JR5)", "nasa_jpl_url": "http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=2465633", "absolute_magnitude_h": 20.36, "estimated_diameter": { "kilometers": { "estimated_diameter_min": 0.2251930467, "estimated_diameter_max": 0.5035469604 }, "meters": { "estimated_diameter_min": 225.1930466786, "estimated_diameter_max": 503.5469604336 }, "miles": { "estimated_diameter_min": 0.1399284286, "estimated_diameter_max": 0.3128894784 }, "feet": { "estimated_diameter_min": 738.8223552649, "estimated_diameter_max": 1652.0570096689 } }, "is_potentially_hazardous_asteroid": true, "close_approach_data": [ { "close_approach_date": "2015-09-08", "close_approach_date_full": "2015-Sep-08 20:28", "epoch_date_close_approach": 1441744080000, "relative_velocity": { "kilometers_per_second": "18.1279547773", "kilometers_per_hour": "65260.6371983344", "miles_per_hour": "40550.4220413761" }, "miss_distance": { "astronomical": "0.3027478814", "lunar": "117.7689258646", "kilometers": "45290438.204452618", "miles": "28142173.3303294084" }, "orbiting_body": "Earth" } ], "is_sentry_object": false }, { "links": { "self": "http://api.nasa.gov/neo/rest/v1/neo/3426410?api_key=DEMO_KEY" }, "id": "3426410", "neo_reference_id": "3426410", "name": "(2008 QV11)", "nasa_jpl_url": "http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=3426410", "absolute_magnitude_h": 21.34, "estimated_diameter": { "kilometers": { "estimated_diameter_min": 0.1434019235, "estimated_diameter_max": 0.320656449 }, "meters": { "estimated_diameter_min": 143.4019234645, "estimated_diameter_max": 320.6564489709 }, "miles": { "estimated_diameter_min": 0.0891057966, "estimated_diameter_max": 0.1992466184 }, "feet": { "estimated_diameter_min": 470.4787665793, "estimated_diameter_max": 1052.0225040417 } }, "is_potentially_hazardous_asteroid": false, "close_approach_data": [ { "close_approach_date": "2015-09-08", "close_approach_date_full": "2015-Sep-08 14:31", "epoch_date_close_approach": 1441722660000, "relative_velocity": { "kilometers_per_second": "19.7498128142", "kilometers_per_hour": "71099.3261312856", "miles_per_hour": "44178.3562841869" }, "miss_distance": { "astronomical": "0.2591250701", "lunar": "100.7996522689", "kilometers": "38764558.550560687", "miles": "24087179.7459520006" }, "orbiting_body": "Earth" } ], "is_sentry_object": false } ] } }

Well, I have a class called NasaResponse:

class NasaResponse( val element_count: Int, val neo: near_earth_objects, val links: links ) class links( var next: String, val previous: String, val self: String ) class near_earth_objects( val objeto_uno: ArrayList, )

I also have a class called NeoItem with the data I am interested in for each object in the JSON array “object_one”.

data class NeoItem( val id: Int, val name: String, val absolute_magnitude_h: Double, )

The JSON elements such as the “links” (next, previous or self) or the “element_count” can be retrieved without any problem from my activity.

JsonToClass = gson.fromJson(nasaJson, NasaResponse::class.java) Log.d(TAG,, "LINKS: ${JsonToClass?.links?.self}") Log.d(TAG, "COUNT: ${{JsonToClass?.element_count}")

My problem is that the “object_one” arrays always return null.

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I have tried many possibilities that I have found in support pages or documentation, but without success.

What is the correct way to get those arrays?

Comments Comment posted by 蟻褟蟽褧蟻褦褟 K

JSONArray name is

Comment posted by Sergio76

Modified, thank you. It was just for the translation for the question on StackOverflow, but the problem remains






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